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Smart Solution | Facilitating Community Group Purchase Services by iData


Affected by the pandemic, the community group purchase is booming. The group purchase in the APPs of Meituan Youxuan and Duoduo Maicai had achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 20 million pieces/day in 2020. At the beginning of 2021, each community group purchase platform had reached an unprecedented peak, with a maximum scale of about 30 million pieces/day. 


Community group purchase applet MAU (monthly active users) trend 

Community group purchase advantages 

Compared with Fresh Hema, Dingdong Fresh and other preposition warehouse modes, community group purchase is characterized by pre-sale, overnight delivery, zero inventory, etc. After collecting the orders one day in advance by the head of the group, the goods can be sent to the head in the next afternoon. The community group purchase shall effectively reduce the pressure on inventory by means of pre-sale, so that consumers can enjoy better products at lower prices. 



The price of strawberries sold to customers is 30-35 yuan/kg, while the cost is only 5-10 yuan/kg. This is because strawberries can be saved only 1-2 days. The difference in price is mostly due to the rotten strawberries in stock rather than the strawberries you eat. The price of strawberries shall only be 10-15 yuan/kg by means of pre-sale, so that consumers can purchase the original strawberries of 30-35 yuan/kg by paying only 1/3 of the original price. 


Community group purchase distribution mode 

However, the mode of community group purchase not only has no Preposition warehouse inventory, but also must ensure the arrival of the next day, thus high logistics efficiency shall be required. It is necessary to ensure a whole efficient distribution process of central warehouse- Preposition warehouse- head. After entering the central warehouse from the supplier, the goods shall be sorted and distributed continuously, transferred level by level, and finally delivered to the head. 


Facilitating Community Group Purchase Services by iData 

Facing the situation that a large number of goods need to be sorted and distributed, PDA and barcode tags are available for information collection and input, thus greatly improving the efficiency. In this process, the scanning and endurance property of PDA shall be essential to ensure efficiency. 


Scanning property 

In the face of massive barcodes, PDA scanning and decoding speed is very important. Depending on a self-developed scanning engine, iData's PDA can realize fast code scanning and decoding, with a maximum scanning speed of 20 times/sec. 


iData self-developed scanning engine for fast code scanning

In the process of distribution and transfer, barcodes of goods purchased by community group are often damaged and polluted. Moreover, because the surface of the goods is irregular, it is easy to be uneven after barcodes are pasted. In order to solve the problem emerging from barcodes, iData has already optimized the scanning engine to quickly read difficult barcodes and scan codes smoothly, thus effectively ensuring the efficiency of the staff. 


iData self-developed scanning engine to quickly read difficult barcodes

Endurance property 

Facing with a shift of up to 8 hours, iData not only provides super high-power batteries, but also optimizes the system. When scanning, the light can be adjusted according to the environment, which can effectively save power consumption and increase battery life. It also provides a fast charging scheme in which the battery can be filled 80% of the power in half an hour, thus making the charging faster and the endurance longer. 


At present, community group purchase platforms such as Hema, Meituan and Orange Optimization are using iData equipment, and they generally prefer iData 95W/70/i3/K1 series. 


iData recommends you to use PDA devices of iData i3, iData K1 series and iData K1 Cold series. 

iData i3 is charactered by compact footprint and light weight, so that the staff shall not tired after long-term use; With 0° direct scanning, optional 27° golden inclination scanning angle and normal scanning within 2 meters, the staff shall easily finish the scanning without bending down. 


The groove on the back of iData K1 series enhances the feeling of grip; The staff shall finish the scanning more conveniently with the unique handle designed. 


iData K1 Cold series is designed as an industry leading cold chain product. The design of its vacuum coating, anti-low temperature battery and the whole machine sealing shall ensure the stability of the product in a cold storage. 


As a new form of retail industry, community group purchase has brought great convenience to our life. iData will fuel community group purchase in efficiency. 

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